Sponsored App Creation
@marcusquinn Sounds good to me, I like to learn and think this is a great learning opportunity for me! Do you have any special requirements aside from converting it into a Cloudron app? And do you need both apps converted or just 4minitz?
@Lonk Sorry, didn't answer fully. Yeah, Odoo & 4minitz would help a lot right now. Odoo I have a load of work on another VPS I could shut down if I could migrate it here.
4minitz I think will help anyone with a company or team.
I'm hoping for Direcutus too, which @murgero kindly started. I detailed more on the forum thread for that as to why.
They are the kind of apps I can quickly help a bunch of people with, in our own business and others.
Also they are the kind of apps that I think will give a lot of features that just any user or developer would find inspiring, either working with them or replicating features from.
@marcusquinn Completely understand that! I have a yearning to learn tho so, just list out your priorities (so I know what app to work on first), and as I convert each one and get them approved to the Cloudron App Store, we can talk about doing the next one (if needed, other people might be working on the other two for their own reasons)?
Thanks for the automated test forum link, I didn't realize that was needed and will add that to my OpenVPN Client app as well!
- 4minitz (it just jumped the queue as I could use that for my biz and friends biz straight away)
- Odoo
- Directus
- NodeRED
- Take ya pick: https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2798/sponsored-app-creation/12
Maybe a better link for seeing what's what: https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron
For some reason it's a few clicks from the home page to find that list. I mostly use GitLab.com so the CE version is a bit different to me as I usually have the Activity feed as my GitLab home page.
@marcusquinn Thanks for sending me those extra resources that I'll likely need to get my first app into the App Store; I'll let ya know as soon as I make this Cloudron App Store ready!
@robi Sorry, is Gitpod something different to here? https://git.cloudron.io/explore/projects
@marcusquinn said in Sponsored App Creation:
@robi Sorry, is Gitpod something different to here? https://git.cloudron.io/explore/projects
Yes, you can google it or just visit the gitpod site for more.
@marcusquinn said in Sponsored App Creation:
@robi Sorry, is Gitpod something different to here? https://git.cloudron.io/explore/projects
Yes, you can google it or just visit the gitpod site for more.
@robi Interesting, not seen that before, we're mostly Atom / Jetbrains & GitHub Desktop / CLI. Is git.cloudron.io already setup with GitPod or is that the proposal?
@robi Interesting, not seen that before, we're mostly Atom / Jetbrains & GitHub Desktop / CLI. Is git.cloudron.io already setup with GitPod or is that the proposal?
Have you tried it? Use the "Try it Now" button and feed it a github/gitlab project link.Self hosted it would be adapted to the git.cloudron.io domain. https://www.gitpod.io/blog/gitpod-self-hosted-0.4.0/
Yeah, it's an interesting tech. Incredibly useful on the go and for people that don't have dedicated software license for professional code IDE's. I really liked playing with it, but my Desktop apps just run much faster.
Perhaps you could describe and show a how-to setup your desktop app dev environment for those looking to get started.For everyone else, there's GitPod, plus the ability to co-create with others (up-to 5 people) in the same environment.
@robi I plan doing a complete run through for getting a Cloudron Development up and running on your desktop (a tutorial post on the Custom Apps forum category). But, right now, mine is pretty hacked together since I just started developing for this platform 1.5 weeks ago. So, my setup is not something I'm proud of rn, despite it technically working (inefficiently).
Meant to post this here:
Be good if there was a way to make Upvotes developer sponsorship pledges!
$100 = 10 App Wishlist Sponsorship Upvotes. I don't mind sponsoring a few things here and there - but developers have to eat, so I think if everyone wants specific apps, start pledging some Paypal dollars in the Wishlist threads to feed the hungry
Meant to post this here:
Be good if there was a way to make Upvotes developer sponsorship pledges!
$100 = 10 App Wishlist Sponsorship Upvotes. I don't mind sponsoring a few things here and there - but developers have to eat, so I think if everyone wants specific apps, start pledging some Paypal dollars in the Wishlist threads to feed the hungry
jdaviescoates 5 minutes ago@marcusquinn I think my ideal scenario would be something like
- Cloudron 6.0 fully open source again
- Cloudron sets-up an Open Collective
- All subscription monies get paid into the collective and all monies coming in/ out totally transparent (this is one of the really nice features of open collective) - sadly in reality this might not make much sense because of default %'s taken out - although OC recently started trialing 0% fees (still payment processor fees, obviously) with pay it forward option for contributors.
- Option for people to pay more money into the collective should the so choose and have the means. Either lump sum or regular amount (both are already supported).
- Developers who make wished-for apps can also be paid out of the collective and everything is totally transparent.
Or something like that. I
open source and I
total transparency (Buffer, for example, are really great on this, see https://buffer.com/about#transparency )
Sure, in the meantime, knowing how business can stretch developers thin - let's help them with the PR around the interweb as more subscribers equals more funds to recruit
To conclude this thread, new forum section to get involved:
Can't edit any comments after a time now, so adding this to the sponsoring wishlist:
Can't edit any comments after a time now, so adding this to the sponsoring wishlist:
@marcusquinn I made you a mod for this category. Can you check if you can edit now?
@girish Danke, that works
We can sponsor the following for anyone wanting to get paid to package?
Need these to migrate over our current instances:
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2763/4minitz-free-webapp-for-taking-meeting-minutes (sponsoring @Lonk )
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/3282/croodle-alternative-to-doodle (sponsoring @murgero )
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1256/odoo-distributed-business-apps (sponsoring @Lonk )
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1596/node-red-flow-based-programming-for-the-internet-of-things
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1227/grafana-metric-analytic-dashboard (done @jimcavoli )
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2812/prometheus-monitoring-time-series-database
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1239/guacamole-remote-desktop (done @doodlemania2 )
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2813/icinga2
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2811/logstash
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2810/kibana-browser-for-elastic-stack
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2814/tabula-extracts-table-data-from-pdfs-when-copy-paste-often-doesn-t
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1179/locust-load-testing-tool
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1654/atlassian-jira-the-1-software-development-tool-used-by-agile-teams (done, internally packaged)
Need solutions for:
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1743/directus-headless-cms-and-data-driven-framework-open-source-alternative-to-contentful (done by @murgero )
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1939/n8n-io-zappier-ifttt-integromat-alternative (sponsoring @murgero )
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1202/restyaboard-trello-like-kanban-board
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2815/live-helper-chat-with-co-browsing (sponsoring @murgero )
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1059/akaunting-free-accounting-software (sponsoring @murgero )
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1067/pretix-ticketing-software-that-cares-about-your-event-all-the-way
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/3001/astuto-for-user-customer-feedback-and-roadmap
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1274/easy-appointments
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1668/fosspay-donation-collection-for-foss-groups-and-individuals (sponsoring @murgero )
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1911/identihub-open-source-brand-asset-management
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2872/cattr-time-tracking
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2996/kresus-free-libre-personal-management-software
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2375/datafire-an-even-better-zapier-alternative
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2935/vuls-io-server-app-security-monitoring
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2803/dreamfactory-api-management
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2352/stackstorm-zapier-alternative
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2759/strapi-open-source-node-js-headless-cms-to-easily-build-customisable-apis
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2966/rss-to-activitypub-for-ghost-wordpress-etc-rss-feed-posting-to-the-fediverse
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1101/open-xchange-groupware
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2905/gluu
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/1102/huginn-a-system-for-building-agents-that-perform-automated-tasks-for-you-online
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2805/worldbrain-s-memex
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2909/fusionauth
- https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2932/payid-org-server
Looking at the current rate of App packaging and launch on Cloudron, I can only guess all this might take 5 years unless there's something I'm missing.
So many great Apps but I'm not getting any closer to app system consolidation without having a bunch of these. How can we speed this packaging process up?
Sorry, I'd love to learn and do but just can't neglect current duties right now. What I can do is divert a bit of budget if that helps.
If the community here is in a similar position, perhaps we can have a whip-round and contribute to recruiting for this?
I also have some seriously decent privacy-conscious client potential for all of this - but we have to dog-food anything before we can promote it.
Very happy with Cloudron - all features definitely going in a great direction - but how do we get more Apps into the Store faster? That App Request list is going up faster than down.
@marcusquinn said in Sponsored App Creation:
I would love to contribute to the packaging of pretix and a couple of others too.
Can we set up a bounty pool for each of these so that we can commit/contribute to?Thank you
@marcusquinn said in Sponsored App Creation:
I would love to contribute to the packaging of pretix and a couple of others too.
Can we set up a bounty pool for each of these so that we can commit/contribute to?Thank you
@jagan there are a few ways to accelerate this process..
- have packaging meetups as a group (large, small)
- have a first attempt by yourself and post progress in a thread here to get help in getting to the next step towards completion
- sponsor an app request, and many here will chime in to lead that development
- actively promote/hire for others to package their own or others apps for the community
- insert other ideas here: __________