Sponsored App Creation
- 4minitz (it just jumped the queue as I could use that for my biz and friends biz straight away)
- Odoo
- Directus
- NodeRED
- Take ya pick: https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2798/sponsored-app-creation/12
Maybe a better link for seeing what's what: https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron
For some reason it's a few clicks from the home page to find that list. I mostly use GitLab.com so the CE version is a bit different to me as I usually have the Activity feed as my GitLab home page.
@marcusquinn Thanks for sending me those extra resources that I'll likely need to get my first app into the App Store; I'll let ya know as soon as I make this Cloudron App Store ready!
@marcusquinn said in Sponsored App Creation:
@robi Sorry, is Gitpod something different to here? https://git.cloudron.io/explore/projects
Yes, you can google it or just visit the gitpod site for more.
@robi Interesting, not seen that before, we're mostly Atom / Jetbrains & GitHub Desktop / CLI. Is git.cloudron.io already setup with GitPod or is that the proposal?
Have you tried it? Use the "Try it Now" button and feed it a github/gitlab project link.Self hosted it would be adapted to the git.cloudron.io domain. https://www.gitpod.io/blog/gitpod-self-hosted-0.4.0/
@robi I plan doing a complete run through for getting a Cloudron Development up and running on your desktop (a tutorial post on the Custom Apps forum category). But, right now, mine is pretty hacked together since I just started developing for this platform 1.5 weeks ago. So, my setup is not something I'm proud of rn, despite it technically working (inefficiently).
Meant to post this here:
Be good if there was a way to make Upvotes developer sponsorship pledges!
$100 = 10 App Wishlist Sponsorship Upvotes. I don't mind sponsoring a few things here and there - but developers have to eat, so I think if everyone wants specific apps, start pledging some Paypal dollars in the Wishlist threads to feed the hungry
jdaviescoates 5 minutes ago@marcusquinn I think my ideal scenario would be something like
- Cloudron 6.0 fully open source again
- Cloudron sets-up an Open Collective
- All subscription monies get paid into the collective and all monies coming in/ out totally transparent (this is one of the really nice features of open collective) - sadly in reality this might not make much sense because of default %'s taken out - although OC recently started trialing 0% fees (still payment processor fees, obviously) with pay it forward option for contributors.
- Option for people to pay more money into the collective should the so choose and have the means. Either lump sum or regular amount (both are already supported).
- Developers who make wished-for apps can also be paid out of the collective and everything is totally transparent.
Or something like that. I open source and I total transparency (Buffer, for example, are really great on this, see https://buffer.com/about#transparency )
Sure, in the meantime, knowing how business can stretch developers thin - let's help them with the PR around the interweb as more subscribers equals more funds to recruit
To conclude this thread, new forum section to get involved:
Can't edit any comments after a time now, so adding this to the sponsoring wishlist:
@marcusquinn I made you a mod for this category. Can you check if you can edit now?
@marcusquinn said in Sponsored App Creation:
I would love to contribute to the packaging of pretix and a couple of others too.
Can we set up a bounty pool for each of these so that we can commit/contribute to?Thank you
@jagan there are a few ways to accelerate this process..
- have packaging meetups as a group (large, small)
- have a first attempt by yourself and post progress in a thread here to get help in getting to the next step towards completion
- sponsor an app request, and many here will chime in to lead that development
- actively promote/hire for others to package their own or others apps for the community
- insert other ideas here: __________
There's clearly room and a need for a full-time Cloudron App packager and maintainer, given that the current experience has competing interests for time.
@girish @nebulon Can you just put prices up a bit and hire a full-timer please?
It's the fairest and smartest way I can see to get any more momentum in this area — you're not getting any younger either
@marcusquinn I wouldn't mind being a part-time packager.