I’d like to request that an email is sent to the admin if a reboot is required. As is, I’m forced to delay a restart until the next night because I’m not seeing the notification in time and that’s happening even with me being daily logged in to the dashboard (I use the dashboard icons as a way to access my apps). Thanks!

Send email to admin when a Reboot is required -
Premium Cloudron Account - Many Cloudrons?@LoudLemur AFAIK, you need a new premium license for each server you want to run more than two apps on. The "premium" isn't for the "account" on Cloudron.io, it's for that specific server/vps. I have no idea how to transfer the premium license from one Cloudron to another but I'm sure it's possible. The Cloudron team is working on multi-host but I haven't read anything on how that would work.
Flagged as Phishing :(In Cloudron --> Vaultwarden app settings --> Security --> Robots.txt, I have "disable indexing" saved. Maybe this could help you.
Cloudron Dashboard: App GroupingIn the Cloudron dashboard, apps are listed alphabetically based on the install URL. There are same ways to manage the group of apps but each has its limitations and the way Cloudron groups apps is by "hiding" the rest.
What I'm proposing is a different approach and it's by grouping apps into sections/categories on the dashboard instead of the "hiding" concept.
Ideally, we'll be able to group apps based on their purpose and frequency of use and be able to rearrange entire categories while keeping all apps visible on the dashboard.
There's an app request (Dashy) that might do all of what I'm proposing but I feel that this should be a native Cloudron enhancement instead. Your thoughts, anyone?
Leantime is now availableThis app is so good it has taken over as my daily organizer. I'm thinking of switching my work Kanban to it too (sorry to let you go, Wekan). I'll have to check out what those extra features might be. Currently, there are only two plugins available and I see no way for 3rd party plugins to be added in the UI.
Custom links for dashboard@eddie it's coming in the next release (7.3) https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/6655/what-s-coming-in-7-3/28?_=1657648126897
What do you do?I started training in my teen years to be a bench jeweler and over a decade later in the jewelry manufacturing scene and after the advance of tech, I found myself becoming a 3D modeler. I've given up on my hammer and torch a while back. CAD and 3D printing are mostly what I do all day long now. I'm in the process of expanding into other fields as I'm using my knowledge in CAD/CAM to create all sorts of things. It turns out if you know CAD/CAM + Rendering + general knowledge in coding/tech, there's nothing you can't create and sell online. At this stage, I'm not sure what my job title is. A modeler, a creator, or a retailer? This question always makes me pause and I end up telling people, "I do computer stuff" and they assume I'm coding all day long
Saleor – A headless, GraphQL-first, open-source e-commerce platformGithub: https://github.com/mirumee/saleor
Website: https://saleor.io/
Demo: https://demo.saleor.io/Some Pros:
- Open Source
- Headless API
- PWA - Offline Browsing
- GraphQL
- Dark Mode in Dashboard
We need a good ecommerce app and this is an amazing alternative to WP/Woo.
AI on CloudronI was reading through localai.io github pages and it mentions this nifty tool for upscaling images (Upscayl). It converted a 640px image to 2560px and the detail improvement is insane. No more blurriness or pixelation, and it even enhances the colors to make it "pop". I used the ULTRASHARP mode. The first (default) mode in the list does the same job minus the color pop. Here are the images for comparison.
640px ring
2560px upscayle + compressed (TinyPNG; forum limits size to 4MB)
No more updates to AlltubeI downloaded the same video using AllTube, OpenVideoDownloader, and Youtube-DLG and compared the output video. The videos are identical in both size and quality so no issues there (see below for details). Both apps work great and could be an alternative to AllTube, but it looks like OVD has more useful options and works better overall. Some differences noted below:
- It doesn't download the "best" resolution available. Sample video I used is 480p on YouTube. It downloaded 360p using default settings. I added more formats to the list from the settings page, but it spit out an error so "default" is the only option.
- You can specify the CLI backend to use: yt-dlp.exe or youtube-dl.exe
- You can add your own CLI backend command line options
- Dark Mode doesn't apply to input fields (they stay white)
Open Video Downloader (OVD)
- It autofills the link field when you copy the video link in your browser
- It downloads the highest resolution available by default
- Manual selection of the video's resolution works great unlike YT-DLG.
- Better looking dark mode
- Easily change output settings from the front-UI (video, audio, or both and in what resolution).
- Ability to enable/disable saving metadata
- App auto-updates
NOTE: if you encounter an FFMPEG not found error in OVD, please close the app and reopen it. It will download FFMPEG and install it properly.
Baserow Cloudron app - Airtable alternative@girish just want to remind you about Baserow
Mailserver does not deliver to certain email addressesThe SNDS page/service is useless. It's good to tell if you're blocked or not and that's it. I signed up and added my server IP +8 months ago and I have yet to receive a single report from them. Anyway, I found the right page to apply for delisting if your IP is blocked: https://sender.office.com.
Search for alternatives - alternatives missing - please suggest yoursExcel > Noco, Baserow
Spreadsheet > Noco, BaserowBTW, shouldn't we create a public (editable) spreadsheet with all the proper tags for each app? It'll centralize all the recommendations in one place and lessen the work for the staff.
@nebulon does cloudron have a noco/baserow instance? We could use that to list all these tags.
Many apps have the wrong tags. For instance, if you search for "mail", you'll get this:
Unable to set 4 GB of service memory limits, only get 3.75 or 4.25 GB, also allows double memory than system availableFront End
I can't upload a MP4 video (less than 1mb). Not enough permission. In the video it shows an alternative method where you can click on the slider and input a value.
Here's a screenshot showing a slider in default state and when it's clicked on.
I found an online website to conver the mp4 to gif!
New Baserow instance goes boom@doodlemania2 baserow's GUI/UI(?) is far more "professional" than noco's but the ram requirements and paywall drove me back to noco. My noco instance is running with 500mb ram limit and it hasn't crashed. We're 2 users and have +20 tables that use formulas and it hasn't crashed once. I also like the export feature (csv and xlsx) in noco.
edit: btw, there's a firefox bug in Noco where the cell data gets deleted on a page refresh. It works fine in Brave. I opened a ticket here https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb/issues/4329
after update 8.0.5 all services wont run and apps wont run too :( it happen 7am this morning@ApplegateR broooo, you butchered his username
What's coming in 7.3Just want to say THANK YOU for Cloudron base image 4.0.0. Sluggish apps like InvoiceNinja load instantly now!
Whitelabeling is not completeIt’s also mentioned if you visit a domain/sub that has no app installed.
You are seeing this page because the DNS record of sub.domain.com is set to this server's IP but Cloudron has no app configured for this domain.
Why Invoice Ninja? Did I miss something?For me it's branding, quotes, data control, and more customizable features in general. Also, having web, mobile, and desktop apps are a huge plus. Today, I'm using Stripe. Tomorrow, I might use something else. I don't want to go through the hassle of importing clients, recreating products/services, etc. I pay $30 a year for IN white label and I have full control over my branding. The app is reliable, development is rapid, and support (github repo and on their forums) is responsive. No complaints.
Audacity joins the dark@necrevistonnezr It's not what but whom they chose to use is the real issue here. If a non-coder like me can install Ackee and put in some effort to have tracking without compromising the privacy of my visitors then so can they if they cared or wanted to.