@qwinter I used to segregate apps on different VPS. Largely through fear of apps conflicting with each other (different modules/scripts) and my personal ignorance of how containers worked.
It all cost me a fortune !! Multiple small bottom tier VPS, each of which did not consume their resources to an adequate level.
I've since gone with steadily bigger beefier machines, and certainly get better price/performance, adding on extra apps to research ("play") and they don't tax the power of a well-spec'ed host.
I do have separate VPS, one for Cloudron, one for non-Cloudron Docker deployments, etc. So I do segregate apps to different hosts but hopefully with more logic than I did before.
So I would go with the best host which makes sense to you, rather than multiple smaller ones, except where there is a clear technical reason (e.g. I don't risk my main Cloudron host with non-Cloudron docker apps).