All my searches lead to dead ends. Like and .
@sp121 do you have a cloud firewall ? One recommendation is to stop all outbound traffic altogether. Most apps don't need to make outbound requests anyway. Slowly start whitelisting outbound traffic. Is this an option?
The directory message is just a warning can be ignored. The above message is the real error. Are you sure you are not using any other domain in the app which in turn uses some DNS provider? Are all the DNS providers manual ?
Yes, you’re correct! If you’ve configured Mailgun as a relay on Cloudron, you should use port 587 with STARTTLS for secure email sending. If you're looking for alternatives, I recommend SMTPget and iDealSMTP. Both offer reliable services and can also be easily configured for your email needs.
Ok weird, this worked, I backed up apps and updated to Cloudron 8 but it's not working again. that file didn't change. I set it to google's public DNS and it was fine - I reinstalled tailscale and set override DNS to true which I think should fix it and let me keep using TS
The apps itself run with minimal permissions but the Web Terminal gives you "root" access (this is a limited root and not server root) so that you can creates files as any user since some apps use multiple users. It's also required in situations where you restore/import the app and those files have different permissions than the one app uses.
But tl;dr this is intended. Use su like @murgero said or you can use gosu <username> <cmd> as well
Good catch, we have to fixup the docs here. The OpenID provider session logout, triggered by the app used to be there, but we found that no app supports this properly so it got removed.
For nextcloud, we have some changes to soon enable OIDC login by default in the package, so may not be worth it to investigate just now in your case.
Thanks guys - I did see that other thread but wasn't sure if it was the same thing. Appreciate the workaround and the fix, and all your hard work always! 🙂
Ah, thanks! I was already running 8.0.5, but the upgrade to 8.0.6 got stuck. /home/yellowtent/box/setup/ came up with an unbound error. I was able to start box manually and start all apps, but the backup volume did not mount. After installing unbound-anchor, I was able to run /home/yellowtent/box/setup/ without errors, and now the backup is working again.